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There are about 5000 commits or more to sift through, so let8217s focus on a few big main standout features that we want to emphasize for this release. Where to get it We are calling this release an 8216Open Beta8217 because we want people to put the massively improved Netplay features through its paces All of your feedback and issues will be taken onboard so that 1.5.0 (which we intend to ship somewhere beginning of March) will deliver on all the promises we have made for netplay. Netplay has seen a big massive improvement since version 1.3.6. To set up a netplay game, you have two options: Manual or automatic connection. Naturally, the automatic way is easier: To host, just load a core and launch some content as usual and, once the game is running, go back into the 8216quick menu8217 (the default keyboard shortcut is F1) and scroll down to the 8216netplay8217 submenu. From there, choose 8216Start netplay host8217 and it will announce your game to the lobby server for other users to join. You can go ahead and start playing and new players can jump in at any time. That is, RetroArch no longer stalls out until clients join. Joining an existing session is just as easy. From the main menu, navigate over to the netplay tab (the icon looks like a wifi symbol), scroll down to 8216Refresh Room List8217 and hit the 8216accept8217 keybutton (the default keyboard shortcut is the 8216X8217 key). RetroArch will fetch the current list of available hosts and display them right there in the netplay tab. From there, just pick the host you wish to join and RetroArch will cycle through your playlists searching for a content match. If it finds a match, you8217ll jump right into the host8217s game already in progress. To use manual connection, the host does the exact same steps. The client must load the same core and game first, then choose the 8220connect to netplay host8221 option from the netplay menu. You will be prompted for the IP address of the host. Enter it to connect. To keep your games private, the host may set a password, required to connect, in the network settings menu. We want your feedback and input on netplay, and the aim is that we take your feedback into consideration for 1.5.0 (which we will launch early March) to put the final finishing touches on netplay in general. Things like chat, friend lists and so on will all need to be implemented still. Multi-language supportJapanese language support We have added UTF-8 support and we have added translations for several languages now. Of these, Japanese is probably second to English in terms of being the most complete translation. In addition to this, the new onscreen keyboard also has multilingual support, and supports Japanese fully (Hiragana, Katakana). Free homebrew Bomberman clone game 8211 Mr. Boom Mr. Boom is a Bomberman clone. It supports up to 8 players and features like pushing bombs, remote controls and kangaroo riding. This was an old MS-DOSWindows 9x homebrew game that githubfrranck converted over to C with a self-made tool he calls asm2c . Right now, this core works for MacWindowsLinux We are still working on Android support Mr. Boom currently requires at least a minimum of 2 players. There is no singleplayer mode (yet). It can not yet be used with netplay but that is our ultimate aim Free 8-player easy Bomberman-like gameplay for everybody We will make an announcement later when netplay support is fully working for this core New menu graphical effects In addition to the ribbon effects, we have added some new menu effects. Bokeh, and Snow. Check the accompanying video to see them in action. You can access these menu effects by going to Settings - gt User Interface - gt Menu and setting 8220Menu Shader Pipeline8221 to any effect of your choosing. NOTE: These two new menu effects are not yet available for Vulkan and Cg. Ports would have to be made first of these menu effects, since they are completely shader-based. Quality-of-Life improvements to the menu We have taken all the criticisms of the menu UI to heart and we really pushed ourselves to make the menu much more pleasant to deal with. We have gone to the painstaking effort of making sure that nearly every menu entry now has a small description below it. Loading content has been massively streamlined. There is no longer a separate 8216Load Content8217 and 8216Load Content (Detect Core)8217 option. You simply select a starting point directory, you then select your game and you decide which core to use. There is a new onscreen keyboard made for the menu which is compatible with touch and the mouse. It not only supports traditional western characters but thanks to improved multilingual support it will also support Japanese (Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana and Romaji). In fullscreen mode, the mouse cursor inside the menu will only show for about 5 seconds. If there is no mouse activity it will disappear from the screen until you move the mouse again. Improved error handling Cores should now report an error message back to RetroArch in most instances where a ROMcontent fails to load. We went over most cores and we are reasonably comfortable in that we took care of most of the trouble spots. Vulkan N64 and PSX now works on Android To read more about these projects, read our past articles here 8211 ParaLLel (Nintendo 64 core with Vulkan renderer) and Mednafen PSX HW should now work on Android devices that support Vulkan Unfortunately, GPU is currently not the bottleneck here. In the case of both of these emulators, more work is required before they will start to run at fullspeed on Android devices. We need to get the LLVM dynarec working on ARM devices. In the case of Mednafen PSX HW, the interpreter CPU core is the main bottleneck which prevents the emulator from reaching playable speeds right now. An experimental dynarec was written a year ago but it still needs a lot of work before it could be considered 8216usable8217. Lots of other miscellaneous stuff Improved performance (Linux) DRMKMS context driver should be more compatible now (Linux) The GLX context driver now uses GLXOMLsynccontrol when available, leading to much improved swap control. Potential video tearing and frame time deviation will be way lower in general. (Linux) Attaching a PS4 gamepad will allow you to use the audio headphone jack to route sound to your headphones if you use the ALSA audio driver. It will now query the available audio output sampling rates that an audio device supports, and if the recommended output sampling rate that we use in RetroArch doesn8217t match, we will use a sampling rate that the audio device DOES support instead. The PS4 pad only works with 32Khz audio, hence why we need to switch to it on the fly in order to get sound working with it. (Android) Should fix a longstanding touch input bug that might have prevented touch from working altogether on certain devices. (Android) GLES33.1 support, the fancy ribbon effect and SnowBokeh should also be available on Android now. (LinuxWayland) Full input support, keyboard and mouse. Too much stuff to mention Also read our companion article for more information here 8211 And even more Improved documentation From now on, all documentation for RetroArch (both development and user-facing info) will be posted here 8211 RetroArch has now been ported to Windows 98SE2000 as well as DOS. These are very early work-in-progress ports but in their current state do allow you to start up RetroArch and load a coregame. For Windows, the current releases and nightly builds do not support XP or below due to changes in the msys2mingw toolchain. While older Windows versions are indeed supported by the RetroArch codebase, they need to be manually compiled with Visual Studio (Express or Pro) to run properly. For XP and above, Visual Studio 2010 is supported. The solutionproject file is located in the pkgmsvc folder of the source along with older msvc solutions. For Windows 982000, we support Visual Studio 2005. A DirectX 9.0c SDK is also required, and in order to target 98, a version no newer than December 2006 must be used. The Windows 982000 port may work with our existing OpenGL driver if your graphics card supports a high enough version of OpenGL, but this has not yet been tested. So far 982000 has only been tested against a new experimental GDI video driver which does not require hardware acceleration like OpenGL or DirectX (the GDI driver works on newer Windows versions as well). With the GDI driver, the RGUI menu is fully supported and there is also preliminary support for XMB with minimal (text-only) rendering. For inputjoypad and audio support on 982000, the DirectX 9.0c runtime should continue to work as it does with newer Windows versions. Windows 98SE requires a DirectX runtime no newer than December 2006, and Windows 2000 can go up to February 2010. Cores for 982000 will also currently need to be compiled manually due to the mingw toolchain used by the buildbot. It8217s possible that we may setup a new buildbot target for the older Windows ports at a later date. The DOS port requires DJGPP to compile (we cross-compile from Linux), and also requires the CWSDPMI server included with that toolchain to access 32-bit protected mode. An experimental 8220Mode 13h8221 VGA driver is implemented to provide 320215200 video with 256 colors. Keyboard input support is currently very minimal, only the ABXY, StartSelect and arrow keys work. There is also no audio support yet. Cores for DOS will need to be compiled manually, as well as statically linked with RetroArch itself, similar to how our console ports work. This means that a compiled RetroArch EXE file will correspond to just one specific built-in core. FCEUmm and Snes9x2010 are known to work, but due to the default timer tick in DOS being 18hz, gameplay is currently very slow. Work is ongoing to reprogram the interrupt timer which should allow full speed gameplay. No release yet You have to compile from source, and things are still very much a Work-In-Progress Compilation instructions Compilation instructions will be added at a certain point on our Documentation site. It8217s been such a long time since we last released a stable (1.3.6), so let8217s give some indication of just how much work we8217ve poured into the entire ecosystem surrounding RetroArch and libretro since RobLoach added scanning GoodNES and GoodN64 sets (i. e. instead of just No-Intro sets) and support for playlists using the ScummVM. NXEngine and Lutro cores. He also added a database of SNES translations, an oft-requested feature, and Super Mario World romhacks, so many of those hacks should show up in scans now. bparker did a significant overhaul of the content-scanning backend to allow for recursive scanning8211that is, the ability to scan inside subdirectories without going into each individual subdir manually. This was one of the most frequently requested scanning improvements. bparker also modified the scanning function to peek at the file extensions supported by the scan before comparing against a database, which speeds up the process substantially. In brief and nonscientific testing, scanning a full NES No-Intro set of 2,703 ROMs went from 4 minutes and 22 seconds down to just 53 seconds, representing a 491 speedup, while scanning an SNES No-Intro set of 3,442 ROMs went from 9 minutes and 37 seconds to 1 minute and 35 seconds, for a whopping 607 speedup. 7zip scanning bparker also upgraded the 7zip support to a full first-class citizen (that is, right up there with standard zips), which means you can now scanloadwhatever content that has been compressed into a 7zip archive. Configurations Radius greatly improved and expanded the config override functionality, adding the ability to save overrides directly from the RetroArch menu, rather than having to create them manually with a text editor. He also added the ability to save per-core and per-game shader presets, which is the main thing users wanted to change from core to core (along with retropad mapping, which is already handled via the per-coreper-game remapping function). With all of this added functionality, we decided to completely remove the conflicting and often broken and unpredictable 8220per-core configs8221 option, which had already been deprecated but kept around for legacytransition support. Meanwhile, GregorR has done the impressive and unenviable task of dusting off and overhauling RetroArch8217s lag-hiding, peer-to-peer netplay implementation, which had been some of the least-touched, least-understood code in the entire codebase. He has already made great strides on the stability of connections, with a big reduction in (if not outright elimination of) out-of-the-blue desyncs, along with graceful recovery of synchronization following temporary losses of connectivity. Switching from UDP to TCP communication has made it so that only the host needs ports forwarded, which should help with playing games with less-technical friends, and the ability to search for hosts on the same LAN makes it easy to do Japanese arcade-style head-to-head matchups. GregorR also added support for 3 player netplay, so you can throw down on party classics like Super Bomberman 5 with four of your closest friends. Pursuant to our Patreon goals, we8217ll be starting on a netplay matchmaking server solution as one of our top priorities to take advantage of these exciting improvements. QoL menu improvements for LakkaRetroArch Kivutar et al have recently pushed out a pair of major Lakka releases, which include the built-in RetroArch improvements, along with a number of Lakka-specific featuresimprovements. Users now have the ability to hide advanced settings in the XMB menu, which leads to a greatly simplified default menu in Lakka releases, as well as the ability to hide menu tabs such that only playlists are visible, which is ideal for appliance-style 8220kiosk8221 settings, where you don8217t want children or other users to monkey around with your settings (these options are also available in non-Lakka RetroArch releases). Kivutar also added the ability to scan for and join wireless networks directly from the Lakka interface, as well as individual history tabs for RetroArch8217s built-in multimedia cores, which include a video player, image viewer and audio visualizer (these cores have been built-in for a while but many people didn8217t know about them the history tabs should make them more accessible). You can read more about the Lakka releases here and here . Fancy new menu graphics features The XMB menu received some fancy new background shader effects, including an improved ribbon. a nice bokeh effect and a festive and nostalgic snow effect. We also rearranged and consolidated some menus to reduce clutter and hopefully make things easier and more intuitive for new users, and we merged 8216load content8217 and 8216load content and detect core8217 into a single unified function. We8217ve also added secondary, explanatory sub-text to many menu items that should make them less mysterious, and a battery meter that should let mobile users avoid running out of juice unexpectedly. Sony 8211 PlayStation3Vita The Sony console ports have gotten some much-needed love, with frangarcj doing some really stellar work with the Vita henkaku port, which supports the fancy XMB menu, shaders, dynamic core loading, (mostly) full-speed PSX emulation via dynarecced PCSX-ReARMed and more, while Ezi0 has made great progress in getting the PS3 port back to usability. Nintendo 8211 WiiWiiU3DS On Nintendo consoles, netux79 has been keeping up with the Wii port, adding support for USB gamepads and fixing some savestate issues with the snes9x-next core, while Twinaphex tracked down and fixed a black-screen bug that8217s plagued the nightly builds since just after the 1.3.6 release. Aliaspider and Twinaphex have made a lot of improvements to the 3DS port, including fixing a persistent screen-tearing issue, and aliaspider has also made great progress with the nascent Wii U port. On the core front, Twinaphex has greatly improved the error handling on many cores so that they are less prone to bringing the entire program down (i. e. segfault) when they choke. While this is certainly not as sexy or user-facing as many of the other improvements, it will lead to a more stable, user-friendly experience with fewer mysterious crashes that give no information as to their cause. Twinaphex also ported Ryphecha8217s unbelievably-awesome new Sega Saturn emulator to libretro (listed as 8220mednafen-saturn8221 in the online updater). Saturn has long been considered one of the most difficult and esoteric consoles to emulate, and Ryphecha deserves a virtual high-five for doing such a great job with it and generously releasing it under the GPL license. While it is currently only available on x8664 platforms (i. e. no ARM, no 32-bit x86), its emulation quality and accuracy is already top-notch. N64 emulation has had some exciting development, as well, with loganmc10 8216s Glupen64-libretro port, which combines a shallow fork of mainline Mupen64plus (i. e. not the heavily modified fork that mupen64plus-libretro is based on) with gonetz8217s crowdfunded GLideN64 RDP plugin. This core handles many hard-to-emulate effects as compared with the other HLE plugins and gets good performance on even modest hardware. As such, it has become the default core for N64 in the RPi3 spin of Lakka and also performs quite well in Android (and more stable there than regular mupen64plus-libretro, according to user reports). Meanwhile, Seru-kun added support for 64DD disks to Mupen64Plus-libretro, making it the second N64 emulator (after PJ64) to support the Japan-exclusive add-on. Leiradel and meleu did a massive cleanup on the Retro Achievementscheevos system. whereby all systems that RetroArch supports have at least one core that includes achievement support, and all systems supported by Retro Achievements is represented. Moreover, spurious achievements should no longer be awarded right when the game starts (a common problem, previously) and achievements will no longer be awarded in the event of a failure to actually meet the requirement(s). We at Libretro wish you all a happy New Year 2016 has been quite the year for Libretro as a project, so let8217s briefly recap where we stand at the end of this year and what we managed to do in 2016 8211 First with Vulkan We were one of the first programs to ride the Vulkan wave, and we managed to add Vulkan support to RetroArch since Day One of the new graphics API8217s release. I needed a break from paraLLEl RDP, and I wanted to give PSX a shot to have an excuse to write a higher level Vulkan renderer backend. The renderer backends in Beetle PSX are quite well abstracted away, so plugging in my own renderer was a trivial task. The original PlayStation is certainly a massively simpler architecture than N64, especially in the graphics department. After one evening of studying the Rustation renderer by simias and PSX GPU docs, I had a decent idea of how it worked. Many hardware features of the N64 are non-existent: Perspective correctness (no W from GTE) Texture filtering Sub-pixel precision on vertices (wobbly polygons, wee) Mipmapping No programmable texture cache Depth buffering Complex combiners My goal was to create a very accurate HW renderer which supports internal upscaling. Making anything at native res for PSX is a waste of time as software renderers are basically perfected at this point in Mednafen and more than fast enough due to the simplicity. Another goal was to improve my experience with 2D heavy games like the Square RPGs which heavily mix 2D elements with 3D. I always had issues with upscaling plugins back in the day as I always had to accept blocky and ugly 2D in order to get crisp 3D. Simply sampling all textures with bilinear is one approach, but it falls completely flat on PSX. Content was not designed with this in mind at all, and you8217ll quickly find that tons of artifacts are created when the bilinear filtering tries to filter outside its designated blocks in VRAM. The final goal is to do all of this without ugly hacks, game specific workarounds or otherwise shitty code. It was excusable in a time where graphics APIs could not cleanly express what emulation authors wanted to express, but now we can. Development of this renderer was a fairly smooth ride, mostly done in spare time over This renderer would not exist without the excellent Mednafen emulator and Rustation GL renderer. Tested hardwaredrivers nVidia LinuxWindows 375.xx (works fully) AMDGPU-PRO 16.30 Linux (works fully) Mesa Intel (Ivy Bridge half-way working, Broadwell, fully working, you8217ll want to build from Git to get some important bug fixes which were uncovered by this renderer :D) Mesa Radeon RADV (fully working, you8217ll want to build from Git to get support for input attachments) 8211 But, but, I don8217t have a Vulkan-capable GPU Well, read on anyways, some of this work will benefit the GL renderer as well. 8211 But, but, you8217re stupid, you should do this in GL 1.1 and hack it until it works 8211 Fine, but clearly this is just for shits and giggles Doing it for the lulz is always a valid reason. The Libretro Project (comprised of Libretro, Lakka, and RetroArch) is now on Patreon. We hope this Patreon will enable us to accelerate development and be able to serve users in lots of benevolent ways This Patreon covers the Libretro, Lakka, RetroArch projects. And another, soon to be disclosed project as well. Right now we are at 230 as of this minute. We thank every Patron so far that has helped us get to this stage in such short time, suffice to say you won8217t be let down Let8217s go over some of the goals as they stand 150 8211 Bounty for core work every month Reached Already the 150 goal has been reached which will allow us to place bounties for core work to be done We allocate a total of 50 month that will go towards bounties. 200 8211 ProjectFuture Greenlight Reached I will be revealing soon what this project is about. Let8217s just state it8217s going to be an even bigger and more expansive project than RetroArch has been so far, and it8217s one of the main reasons why we finally went 8216why not8217 with regards to the Patreon. Stay tuned This is going to take months and months of work, and will take other considerable resources in order for us to be able to see it to completion, and it8217s definitely one of those 8216flying very close to the sun8217-type endeavors, but as with everything with this project, 8216dreaming big8217 and 8216foolhardy8217 are comfortable bedfellows. 400 8211 Netplaymatchmaking server We want RetroArch users to be able to play online multiplayer games with each other through the RetroArch interface. We are going to allow for PSNXBLA-like features, except free of charge The prospect of true crossplatform free netplay from an easy and console UI-style interface is soon to be within reach once we hit this target The aim is that every user will be able to quickly and easily setup a netplay game from within RetroArch without the need of a keyboardmouse We want console-style netplay ease of use 500 8211 Stability checks, Quality Assurance, etc. It8217s no secret that for years we have relied on volunteer work in order to get where we are. This entire project entails a maddening amount of work that we have to put in on a daily basis to keep the entire show up and running, and the amount of work keeps growing every time we add another platform port or add a new core. Once we hit our 500 target, we are going to be paying a couple of developers whom have been loyal towards the project to keep tabs and checkups on RetroArch and various libretro-related cores on a bi-monthly basis. This way, bugs and regressions are easily spotted and we can instantly fix them. 600 8211 Development bounties We are going to be posting bounties for various remaining issues (whether it be RetroArch or cores), and any developer will be able to fix these issues and claim the reward Finally we can start claiming bounties for some of the things that RetroArch and Lakka might still be missing Good developers don8217t grow on trees, neither do contributors. We hope that through these bounties we will be able to significantly improve the software and get to our goals much quicker NOTE: The amount of money that will be allocated for this is variable and decided at our own discretion. I have been following the events on a few libretro related threads in reddit and I find it quite disappointing to see the amount of hatred directed to a project that has done nothing but do what end-users wanted for more than three years now. I also find it terrible (but interesting none the less) that the social media post is more active than the actual highlight. Disclaimer: this represents my own experiences and my points of view with regard of the situations that surround our project. A bit of my personal history with the project: Let8217s look back all the way to 2013. RetroArch was still called SSNES, a fairly small commandline program with just a few cores, a launcher that could be used to adjust options and that8217s it. No bells or whistles, just a few nice cores implemented under one frontend with a common feature set. I hadn8217t really been using emulators since the zSnes days other than a few tries with mobile emulators on my WinCE device. I just had built a game-room tv-room. So I setup XBMC and loved it. Soon I started looking for emulators that would work nicely with my setup. I installed Nestopia and some XBMC plugin that acted as a launcher with worked mostly fine. I liked the emulation but I also like the fact that I could set hotkeys to save, load, and it presented nice OSD messages on non-game actions and I could drive the whole thing with my gamepad only. I hoped other emulators would have the same features but I was let down almost instantly. Regardless I pursued my objective with a miriad of tools (Pinnacle Game Profiler, Xpadder, Joy2Key, batch files, Daemon Tools to name a few). MednafenBeetle PSX has made another significant stride forward iCatButler has contributed a working backport of PGXP for MednafenBeetle PSX. PlayStation rasterization issues Where to get it Usability improvements New Features Improvements to cores News for iOS 10 beta users Bugfixesother miscellanous things Effort to addressing user experience feedback

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